Chris Weber also Confirms Next generation of Lumia coming soon Nokia Windows Phone Event Sept5 will bring Windows Phone 8 | Nokia’s Chris Weber (@CWeberatNokia) warns Samsung,


There’s still plenty of room for everyone whilst the market grows.

@CWeberatNokia Samsung take note, next generation Lumia coming soon.#nokia

Hopefully this indicates that these new Lumias are also really good and something to take note of.


We have received an invitation to a Nokia event help in Center 548, 548WEST 22nd, State NewYork NYC, US on September 5 9:15am . Without a doubt, this is about the next-generation Lumia which runs on Windows Phone 8, which was revealed in San Francisco earlier this year (catch up with the Windows Phone 8 reveal).

This is going to kick start a new phase for both Microsoft and Nokia who will now be able to come up with high-end smartphones featuring the latest quad-core chips, along with edgy cameras and a new Windows Phone that finally shares its code base with Windows 8.

Microsoft gets a chance to make a great first impression by showing how Windows Phone 8 works on a real product and how a “special” partner like Nokia benefits from this relationship. For Nokia, this is a critical launch that could set the tone for its earnings for the next 12-18 months. Come back on September 5 to learn what Nokia and Microsoft will reveal. There are exciting times.

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This entry was posted on August 16, 2012 by in INTERVIEWS, NOKIA, WINDOWS and tagged , .